Indian Students in Western Australia and Northern Territory
Australia is one of the preferred destinations of Indian students for pursuing higher studies especially in the area of vocational education. Western Australia (WA) is emerging as a preferred destination for Indian students, including students from India.
India is among Western Australia’s largest market for international students. In Jan – Feb 2024, around 9,340 Indian international students are studying in Western Australia and approx. 648 Indian students enrolled for studies in Northern Territory.
Indian students are undertaking courses at different vocational training institutes and colleges in a range of areas, including cookery, IT, business management, accountancy, finance, community service, aged care, etc.
Indian students studying in WA and NT are requested to register on MADAD:
Major Universities in Western Australia
Major University in Northern Territory:
Name and contact detail of the officer in the Consulate handling student-related matters:
Mr Naresh Kumar
Consul (Edu)
Email: hoc[dot]perth[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in
T : 08 93258597
Mr Vijay Meena
ASO (Edu)
Email: cgoffice[dot]perth[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in
T : 08 92021991
M : 0410988425
Indian Associations:
Other important links/information
For applying student visa and latest changes in the student visa program:
For Australian Government’s Department of Education:
Study in Australia:
Department of Education - WA:
Department of Education - NT:
Directory to Government Education Departments:
Qualifications Recognition (Education Services for Overseas Students):